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Monday 20 June 2016

Kos and Weight Loss Cycling Holidays

Hi again, well we have just returned home after an amazing week in Kos, Greece. The Island is absolutely beautiful and the people are amazing, so nice and generous. But one point to make, since the Migrant crisis last year, the popularity of the Island, and Greece as a whole has declined considerably. The Bars and Restaurants are really quiet, which is really not nice to see. I have to say that the Migrants are no longer there, they have moved on to other areas in Europe. There aren't any boatloads coming over from Turkey, the Beaches AREN'T scattered with discarded lifejackets. So if you are looking for an amazing holiday go now whilst it is still quiet.

Anyway, now that little rant is over, I want to talk again about something that is a real problem all over the World. I read today that more than 7 Million people in the UK face Heart Disease, Diabetes and Cancer within the next 20 years. That is 4 in 10 Adults. Isn't that a scary statistic?

As we know Cycling is a really good way to burn the calories, it is low impact on the knees and it is so much nicer being out on the bike on a nice day rather than sweating it out in the Gym. I burn double the calories out on the bike as I do in the gym, that is why I am slightly put off the gym in the summer. We really want to push the benefits of Cycling for Weightless and Fitness, and we have created the Ride Fit Club.  So if you are looking to lose weight and have an amazing holiday at the same time, then we can create that for you. We are working with some land based operators if Cruise isn't for you. But on board some of the ships there are Dietitian who can work with you to formulate a Healthy Eating Plan, and the meals on board the ship can be made very Healthy for you. So lets get rid of the myth that Cruising is for old people and that you get fat when you go on board, because that is not exactly true.

I had better get the suitcase unpacked and the contents washed before my next journey. Thanks for reading.

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